Phins93 Should be a good game, cowboys vs giants, but I think giants probably win... via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:25 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Feeling) 7 Succesful Tweet(s) |
liltyna116 RT @DAMN_Swartz: Cowboys > Giants via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:24 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 5 Away (Prediction) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |
MG_Valenzuela RT @Noel_Robles17: Cowboys better beat the Giants via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:24 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 5 Away (Prediction) 2 Succesful Tweet(s) |
Dabendroth RT @RouseQB_12: Cowboys suck! Go Giants!! via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:24 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Wish) 0 Succesful Tweet(s) |
_brookedoyle GO COWBOYS! FUCK YOU GIANTS! via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Away (Wish) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |
MamaDet I will never root for the cowboys so let's go big blue! #giants #bigblue via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Wish) 0 Succesful Tweet(s) |
Glass33 Let's do this Cowboys! Beat NY! #BeatNY #Cowboynation via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 5 Away (Prediction) 3 Succesful Tweet(s) |
NoahDinerman O yea cowboys and giants is on I hope the cowboys kill the giants and break eli's leg via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Away (Wish) 6 Succesful Tweet(s) |
mscpian15 Giants who????...lets.go cowboys!!!!!! via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Away (Wish) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |
Dopee_Peddler Cowboys < Giants via Twitter at 06/09/2012 - 03:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 5 Home (Prediction) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |