Bears - Vikings

NFL - Regular Season
Bears - Vikings
01/11/2016 - 03:30

Sentibet Based Forecast
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Forecasting Tweets

Go Bears 6-0! me arrisco a dizer que o MIN entrou de salto alto! Ou não #TudoPelaNFL
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:32
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
2 Succesful Tweet(s)
@Tamedamus desde el 2008 en adelante solo una vez vikingos pudo ganar que fue 2015 con todo y el maleta de cutler ganara bears y under
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:30
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
0 Succesful Tweet(s)
The Bears Are Beating The 5-1 Vikings? ?? Welp, ???? #MINvsCHI #MNF
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:30
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
2 Succesful Tweet(s)
@TheWorldof_AJ cmon man playing like a rookie!!! Let's go! #Bears #Vikings #MNF
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:30
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
1 Succesful Tweet(s)
Otro FG y 6-0 arriba Bears pero han perdonado dos veces #MNF #NFL
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:27
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 4
1 Succesful Tweet(s)
Can't believe I'm basically cheering for the Bears. Goes against every instinct, but man we could use a Vikings loss.
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:26
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
2 Succesful Tweet(s)
The 1 win bears are giving the 1 loss Vikings some go
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:25
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
1 Succesful Tweet(s)
Need the Vikes to win to win my pick em pool this week and of course they're shitting the bed against the god awful Bears.
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:25
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
12 Succesful Tweet(s)
Need the Vikes to win to win my pick em pool this week and of course they're shitting the bed against the god awful Bears.
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:25
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
12 Succesful Tweet(s)
I hate the Bears but I hope the Vikings lose because fuck Zach
via Twittertwitter_logo at 01/11/2016 - 03:22
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
1 Succesful Tweet(s)