bolabundar Pada pertandingan Serie A pertamanya Napoli mengalahkan Cesena 1-3. Sedangkan City memenangi semua partai EPL sejauh ini. via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 18:19 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 6 Succesful Tweet(s) |
bolabundar Pada pertandingan Serie A pertamanya Napoli mengalahkan Cesena 1-3. Sedangkan City memenangi semua partai EPL sejauh ini. via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 18:19 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 6 Succesful Tweet(s) |
javierfreitas É HOJE. City v Napoli na Champions. Será 1 v 0, gol do @aguerosergiokun. Podem anotar. MITAREI. via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 18:18 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7 Home (Prediction) 2 Succesful Tweet(s) |
reignofdalglish RT @PLEKSTER: MY PREDICTIONS FOR TONIGHT ARE MAN CITY 5-0 NAPOLI WITH AGWERO SCORING HATTRICK. MANURE TO LOSE 3-0 WITH ROONEY RED CARD via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:33 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7 Home (Prediction) 33 Succesful Tweet(s) |
Erickleynen I just predicted 3-0 for Manchester City - Napoli with #FootballMeister! #MCINAP via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:33 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7 Home (Prediction) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |
LiaCapizzi #DeLaurentiis conf stampa #OldTrafford: (scelto non a caso..stadio rivale City!): "Entro 4-7 anni sarà costruito un nuovo San Paolo" #Napoli via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:32 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Away (Prediction) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |
hilmysundawan So ? RT @immanuelhsh: @hilmysundawan CITY nanti malem menang lawan napoli, arsenal seri BOSOK via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:27 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 5 Succesful Tweet(s) |
immanuelhsh @hilmysundawan CITY nanti malem menang lawan napoli, arsenal seri BOSOK via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:26 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 3 Succesful Tweet(s) |
HeiHakan evet günün iddaları: D.Zagreb-R.Madrid ÜST, Inter-Trabzonspor YOK, M.City-Napoli 1, Villareal-B.Münich ÜST :)) hadi bakalım via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:23 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 0 Succesful Tweet(s) |
jkrefsahl @iPrimaPunta City har flere samtidige bevegelser offensivt enn Napoli har forsvarsspillere. 4-1 mitt resultattips. via Twitter at 14/09/2011 - 15:19 Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6 Home (Prediction) 1 Succesful Tweet(s) |