Zenit - Porto

EUF - UEFA Champions League
Zenit - Porto
06/11/2013 - 19:00

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Forecasting Tweets

Game time Zenit vs porto forca porto
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:51
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7
24 Succesful Tweet(s)
¡¡¡Vamos con los onces del Zenit - Oporto que comienza en 20 minutos!!! #UCL
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:41
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 4
9 Succesful Tweet(s)
1-0 aja buat zenit..! RT @Bolanet: Zenit v Porto http://t.co/UUBeN72fRf . http://t.co/OtXy4qGMzG - 00.00WIB
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:31
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 9
1 Succesful Tweet(s)
ZENIT - PORTO #UEFAChampionLeague #UCL 12:30 PM HLV Resultado ida: 0 - 1 PORTO OBLIGADO A GANAR! http://t.co/UMQUCBLd9Y
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:20
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
0 Succesful Tweet(s)
@FURKANKIZILAY zenit porto 1 napoli handikap, arsenal kgvar . Bankolar bankosu
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:13
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7
0 Succesful Tweet(s)
Zenit Petersburg vs FC Porto 0-0 #FotMob
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:07
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7
12 Succesful Tweet(s)
Wednesday 6th Nov: FC Zenit ST Petersburg - FC Porto, by BigM: Zenit win at home over Porto at odds of 2.55 In... http://t.co/MswLQYzVrh
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:06
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 6
1 Succesful Tweet(s)
Tonights prediction:Chelsea 3-2 Schalke Dortmund 4-2 Arsenal Barca 2-0 Milan Napoli 2-1 Marseille Zenit 1-1 Porto
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:05
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 8
7 Succesful Tweet(s)
Pergunte o que quiser sobre o Zenit-FC Porto: O jornalista André Monteiro responde às questões dos leitores... http://t.co/WgbREKsyt3
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:03
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7
7 Succesful Tweet(s)
Pergunte o que quiser sobre o Zenit-FC Porto: O jornalista André Monteiro responde às quest... http://t.co/WpKfJCgaEG #football #futebol
via Twittertwitter_logo at 06/11/2013 - 18:00
Sentibet Confidence Rate: 7
12 Succesful Tweet(s)